Saturday, March 15, 2014

Farthest corner of east

Journey to land of rising sun has begun and after a long time, I'm excited to travel. To see a new culture. Probably the only high context society left in this world. Where loyalty is probably considered a virtue, not lack of opportunity.

Nabh back home was excited to know that I am visiting numma's home (doreamon) and would get nobita and numma goodies.

Until I boarded CX 546, I had no idea that it is a hopping flight and now I am in Taipei sitting in the plane, while Japanese continue to board the plane. I probably am the only non Jap on plane. Two elderly jap mamas have occupied 70 k and j and I am at H. Helped them with their luggage and they were overwhelmed. After 5 mins of struggle, we could establish common a sign language and I could explain them that I am onto Osaka and for 'business'. All my attempts to explain nature of my business through words like drugs, medicines, pharma, generics have failed miserably. Will try, have 3 hours. They probably said something like thank you in jap! but I have no idea. But it will a good idea to spend few hours tonight to get the basis of the language.

New Friends, Recurring Characters

When you travel often, you make new set of friends, taxi drivers, international SIM card dealers, forex guys, vendors who work two shifts a day. While the whole world sleeps, these industrious souls work to make extra buck for a comfortable living. The guys at guardian pharmacy, m pharm student during the day, turns into a super hot salesman in eve, with great penchant for medicines and mechanisms of action. Respect and wishes for all of you from youngistan India, hope that you will make a better and more sustainable living.

Thursday, August 22, 2013

Escape From Trami : Part 3 [Prof. Bearden]

Neil told us memories are reconstructed. our mind tricks us to believing, what it want wants us to believe. Today realised how real it is.

few minutes on CX 649, I couldn't locate my phone and instantly convinced myself that I left it in earlier flight from Taipei to HK. Started planning the next steps,informing office for BBM, which handset to buy etc. After take off, when I looked again it was there, right there, where it belongs in bagpack. However I had imagined the whole sequence in my mind about how I left it in eh pouch of CI903.

Memories are reconstructed.

Escape From Trami : Part 2

Made a promise again that will work out, will write, will listen to music and never be anxious, will relax and enjoy what I do. 

Escape from Trami : Random Thoughts

The biggest discoveries from trips to holland has been the band Mumford and Sons, and today on CX 649, listening to Holland roads, brings so many vivid memories.

Sunday, June 2, 2013

Bangladesh (Feb 21 - Feb 28)

There is so much to write, the montage of memories from the imperfect and impoverished land. It is late in the day to gather my thoughts, will do so, eventually, but it was a quite a journey, those blazing vehicles, a nation in commotion, like all the left-behinds, a prisoner of its past, refusing to look forward and living in history. The politicos, still trying to execute the culprits war crime of 1971, asking for capital punishment, for someone who is in late seventies, eventually ruining the youth, which is busy protesting and immolating.

The tea on the street and Fuchka on the roadside, reminds how close is India. People galore, parading around Basundhara City Mall, only hang out in Dhaka. High end street at Gulshan and okay street for youth at Bailey road. That live band at thirty 3 and their version of Kolavari Di, the melody and ambiance lingers on.

Those rides to factories - 30 km in 2 hours, bleeding infrastructure and poverty everywhere. and after my return, those collapsing buildings and those burning souls, which made news item for several weeks.

A week later in Manhattan, I wondered, how does life change so much from one end to the other..only 16 hours apart by distance and several centuries apart by outlook. 

Words Don't Come Easily

Just a few months back, It was easy to write and now!!!

Will start again, with optimism as my specs and joy as my ink....
