Saturday, March 15, 2014

Farthest corner of east

Journey to land of rising sun has begun and after a long time, I'm excited to travel. To see a new culture. Probably the only high context society left in this world. Where loyalty is probably considered a virtue, not lack of opportunity.

Nabh back home was excited to know that I am visiting numma's home (doreamon) and would get nobita and numma goodies.

Until I boarded CX 546, I had no idea that it is a hopping flight and now I am in Taipei sitting in the plane, while Japanese continue to board the plane. I probably am the only non Jap on plane. Two elderly jap mamas have occupied 70 k and j and I am at H. Helped them with their luggage and they were overwhelmed. After 5 mins of struggle, we could establish common a sign language and I could explain them that I am onto Osaka and for 'business'. All my attempts to explain nature of my business through words like drugs, medicines, pharma, generics have failed miserably. Will try, have 3 hours. They probably said something like thank you in jap! but I have no idea. But it will a good idea to spend few hours tonight to get the basis of the language.

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